Summer and Scoliosis Awareness Month

As we enter the month of June, you start to think of SUMMER! Summer brings up thoughts of graduations, Father's Day, long summer nights, no school, weddings, and family celebrations. As parents, we understand we have a little time off to relax. Still, some parents will also be planning for school physical appointments and changes that come up for their children (as our children move up in school), all while being in awe of the growth of our children and just treasuring their development. One thing we need to be mindful of with our kids is growth spurts and any changes happening in our children.

One thing that can occur, more in girls than boys, is scoliosis. Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine that is most often diagnosed in adolescents. Scoliosis occurs most often during the growth spurt just before puberty. While most cases are filed with few symptoms, some children develop a more severe case. Severe cases of scoliosis can be painful and disabling. Early detection is critical. Chiropractic care has helped many young people avoid the unhappy effects of scoliosis. The primary course of action of care is a specific plan worked out with your chiropractor through regular adjustments. These adjustments help improve the function and structure of the spine; then, posture can improve with the help of strengthening muscles. June is scoliosis awareness month.

This month we will talk to a patient (or two) that have seen Doc during their scoliosis journey and share with you how this has helped them. We will also celebrate all things summer, from Father's Day to shout-outs to some of our favorite local businesses, Flag Day, Juneteenth, the true start of summer, and a couple of WCC work anniversaries (we love our team). Hello JUNE, Hello Summer!

We look forward to hearing from you


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8:15 am-12:00 pm

2:30 pm-6:00 pm


3:00 pm-7:00 pm


8:15 am-12:00 pm

2:30 pm-6:00 pm




8:15 am-12:00 pm

2:30 pm-6:00 pm


By Appointment Only

