Car Accident?

Summer is drawing to a close, and many of us are still on the road trying to squeeze in those last trips before everyone returns to their “normal” busy schedules.  With all those travels, you may be involved in an accident.  No matter the impact of the accident (small or large), your body will react to that impact, and you should get in to see a chiropractor as soon as possible.  You could experience something as minor as a sore back, or more intense like whiplash, or severe/chronic pain.  Don’t suffer; get to a chiropractor.  Here’s the deal: when you are involved in an accident and get an accident report and report a claim to your insurance, you can ALSO get your chiropractic care to resolve your discomfort and have it covered by your insurance.  The nice thing at WCC is that if you have all that data and come into our office, we will handle all of the paperwork/billing for you.  We won’t bill you until we find that your insurance is no longer paying, and then we can work with your medical insurance to resolve any outstanding billing before the expense comes out of your pocket.  

So, don’t suffer after a car accident; get scheduled with Dr. Williams, let our staff help you get this covered, and let our team get you back to health!

Please keep your eyes open on our social media this month and always, as we have great information to share and some great specials coming up in the coming months.

#CarAccidents  #PersonalInjury  #34YearsOfDedicatedService  #ChiropracticCare  #ChiropracticHealth

We look forward to hearing from you


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Office Hours

Our Regular Schedule


8:15 am-12:00 pm

2:30 pm-6:00 pm


3:00 pm-7:00 pm


8:15 am-12:00 pm

2:30 pm-6:00 pm




8:15 am-12:00 pm

2:30 pm-6:00 pm


By Appointment Only

